Simple domestic hot water circulation pump control

Simple domestic hot water circulation pump control

This simple guide will show you how to easily configure domestic hot water circulation pump to run periodically for 3 minutes in 30 minutes intervals during the day to provide instant hot water for washing.

  1. Go to TapHome output module and set relevant output where circulation pump is connected as Pulse-width modulation, use proper name and save.


2. Go to newly created device “Hot water circulation pump” and set PWMPeriod to 1800s (30minutes) within Service Settings menu:



3. Add new Smart rule “Keep default values” with following settings: Set Value = 10% (10% from 30 minutes is 3 minutes), Limiting condition = Time 07:00 - 22:00. This settings ensure that output will be turned on for 3 minutes per 30 minutes period and this smart rule will be active only between 07:00 and 22:00.




4. Add another Smart rule “Keep default values” with following settings: Set Value = 0%. This Smart rule will set the output value to 0%.




5. Set proper priorities of Smart rules by changing their respective positions:



6. Explanation: Smart rule on the top (higher priority) will work from 07:00 to 22:00 and set output value to 10% so the output will be ON 3 minutes per 30 minutes period between 07:00 and 22:00. Outside of this time Smart rule on the bottom (with lower priority) will work (22:00 to 07:00) and keep output value at 0% (OFF) permanently.