Step-by-step guide how to add KNX Gateway module in ETS.
1. Import Product Database
Download product database from page
Open ETS project and in Catalog first import Weinzierl product database from downloaded archive.
2. Add BAOS module to your installation
Change to Topology view in ETS project:
From producer catalogue choose Weinzierl producer and find KNX BAOS 830 module. Insert module to appropriate area and line.
3. Configure BAOS Data Points
Select BAOS module and switch to it parameters. Choose first data point group 1-10, select data point 1 type.
The description text of the data point, which is only visible if you enabled a data point, is just a text field which is not downloaded into the KNX device. It stays in the ETS project just for information. It helps the commissioner to give a name to every data point.
Switch to Groupe Objects, right click on data point and choose Properties. For data points which are used to communicate data to TapHome select Communication, Write, Transmit options:
For data point which are only written from TapHome select Communication, Read, Transmit options:
4. Configure Group Addresses
Switch to Group Addresses view and link BAOS data point to appropriate group:
Repeat the steps 3. and 4. for all data points which you want to be communicated to TapHome.
5. Download
Connect the KNX Gateway Board to the KNX bus and the PC to a KNX Interface. Press the Learn button on the KNX Gateway (green LED must light up). Select the device KNX BAOS 830 and use menu Download/Full download.